
Ebenezer works for the foundation Black Star Development which is a small development organization in Busua on the coast of the Western Region. The organization focuses on customized projects in small communities such as Busua and the neighboring villages of Dixcove and Butre. The organization consists of energetic villagers from Busua. The most important project of its own that has been running for five years is the Busua Women's Group. This is a group of women, who are guided in setting up a social savings system, with the help of which investments can be made to promote entrepreneurship. It also cooperates with local institutions in organizing places for volunteers and trainees from abroad. It cooperates with all schools, with local tourism organizations and with the hospital in Dixcove and the small health center in Busua.
The Corona virus has a negative influence on Black Star Development. This is because all projects and programs have been stopped for necessity. There are no more foreign volunteers coming their way for help. They are dependent on these volunteers. Financially, the organization has no source of income at the moment. They help the people of the Busuvian community by providing them with money, face masks, food and hand sanitizers. This is paid with the savings of the Blackstar development (Ebenezer, 2020).
Ebenezer. (2020, March). Impact COVID-19 on your foundation. (A. Engberink, E. Gnodde, & W. Wonder, Interviewers)